
Fragments of a love letter, a few photographs almost unaltered, a hoodie, a pair of trousers… That’s what little is left of “#387”, one of the 1000 migrants who perished on April 18th, 2015 off the Libyan coast. 
In Milan, forensic anthropologist Cristina Cattaneo leads the largest identification operation ever undertaken to date in the Mediterranean region. To put a name on the missing, their families must be found. This is the task undertaken by José Pablo Baraybar, from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), helped by Abraham Tesfai, an Eritrean refugee and activist. In Sicily, Giorgia Mirto is counting the graves that bear no name, her scientific quest nourished by her family’s unhealed wound. Accustomed to living in the vicinity of death, the film’s characters have no other horizon than the living: the families, unable to grieve. 
This three years lasting (in)quest brings together researchers, families, witnesses and survivors, whose voices and faces bring to life the destinies of those who disappeared.


182, rue La Fayette – 75010 PARIS

L’annexe – 34 rue de la République – 42 000 SAINT-ETIENNE

+33 1 84 79 20 50