Lady Sapiens is a rigorous scientific investigation conducted with scientists from all around the world, exploring the latest findings on the role of women in their clan during the Palaeolithic period, and illustrated with spectacular footage from Ubisoft’s Far Cry Primal© video game. What do we know about prehistoric women? For 150 years, researchers have underestimated their role by interpreting discoveries with the preconceptions of their time. Palaeolithic women became prisoners of clichés. Today, a new generation of researchers, many of which are women, is overturning this model. By going to meet scientists on excavation sites or in their laboratories, a new portrait of these women emerges: we discover them as hunters, artists, clan leaders… And what if this Ice Age was also the age of women?

For the first time, Lady Sapiens tells her story…


182, rue La Fayette – 75010 PARIS

L’annexe – 34 rue de la République – 42 000 SAINT-ETIENNE

+33 1 84 79 20 50